Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It's On.

Heya, mamas! It's on. YOU have been served....

Right here in Middle Tennessee, there are Mothers Acting Up among us. Come join the parade!!

Details anon. But first, let me introduce myself and encourage my cohorts to do the same.

Me? I'm Ms. Booty Homemaker, writer, activist / organizer, wife to My Beloved Mister, mama to Ziggy, and passionate member of the great human family. My mission in life is to hold sacred space for the tender parts of humanity and to merry make my corner of the world into a more joyous place with me in it. The adventure of mamahood has ignited in me a steadier and slower burning flame; my plow mule self jubilantly joins the apron string revolution. What's that mean? Stay tuned.

For now, Save The Date.

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